
Medical Cannabis For Anorexia Treatment has all kinds of new scientific breakthroughs. A life-threatening eating illness marked by self-starvation and extreme weight loss is term anorexia nervosa, often known as Nervosa. A person is diagnosed with the disease if they weigh a minimum of 15% less than their average body weight. Excessive weight loss in those suffering from anorexia nervosa can result in hazardous health concerns and even death. People suffering from Anorexia consume tiny amounts of food, resulting in hunger. They can eventually become dangerously thin and emaciated while believing they are overweight. Anorexics frequently get so malnourished that they must be hospitalized.

Anorexia Nervosa’s precise causes are unclear. However, the problem may run in families; young women with a parent or sister with an eating disorder are more likely to acquire one themselves. Nine out of ten anorexics are female, and around 1% of girls between the ages of 10 and 25 are anorexic. According to (Statistics & Research on Eating Disorders, 2019), Anorexia affects about 1% to 2% of all females at some point in their lives, whereas it affects about 0.1% to 0.3% of males. Other psychological, environmental, and social elements might contribute to anorexia development—people suffering from anorexia start to feel that their lives would be better if they were slimmer.

Physical reasons for eating problems are also possible. Changes in hormones that regulate how the body and mind maintain mood, hunger, thinking, and memory may contribute to eating disorders. The fact that anorexia nervosa runs in families shows that vulnerability to the condition may be partly inherited. Anorexia symptoms frequently include anxiety, rapid weight loss over several weeks or months, continuing to diet/limit eating even when thin or at a low weight, and having an extraordinary interest in food, calories, nutrition, or health.

Treatment goals include regaining a healthy weight, addressing emotional concerns such as poor self-esteem, changing faulty thinking patterns, and implementing long-term behavioral adjustments through psychotherapy and medication. Best cannabis strains to treat eating disorders are discussed in detail in this article.


Before we get into the use of Cannabis For Anorexia Treatment, we wanted to let you know about our top-rated grinder provided to you by “Good Times Only”. If you want to get the fullest benefits of cannabis, you will need to buy it fresh and grind it freshly before use.

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Now, let’s get into the use of Cannabis For Anorexia Treatment!

Types of Anorexia

Extreme food and weight concerns are typical in a category of eating disorders, but each condition has its symptoms and diagnostic standards. Anorexia has two types: one is connected to bulimia, a separate eating disorder characterized by “bingeing and purging,” in which a person eats and then purposefully vomits. The type of people that binge eats and then purge may eat a lot of food or very little.

The other subtype reveals itself through extreme calorie, and dietary restrictions called restricted type. People with this type only eat fast or exercise excessively to reduce weight. In both situations, individuals vomit, use laxatives or diuretics, or exercise excessively to get rid of the food they just ate.

Is CBD an Appetite Stimulant?

CBD is gaining massive attention as it is considered to help treat different disorders. A study performed in 2017 showed that CBD significantly deals with low blood pressure and leaves the patient with a balanced blood flow rate. CBD can be an excellent appetite stimulant or suppressant, depending on your specific health demands. Because CBD has adaptogenic qualities can enhance your body’s basic activities without causing detrimental structural alterations. Since the palate and nasal passages are related, THC makes you more receptive to smells. This alteration in perception might increase your hunger even further. By interacting with serotonin receptors, CBD may control mood and appetite. The relationship between mood and hunger is strong; worry and melancholy may result in a lack of appetite or a greater need for comfort foods. Your body may develop a healthy appetite with a balanced mood.

Best Cannabis Strains to Treat Anorexia

Patients with Anorexia can enhance their quality of life with the assistance of caregivers,

healthcare providers, and drugs. However, cannabis can also help the anorexia nervosa disease’s symptoms by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system. The best strains to treat Anorexia and increase appetite are listed below:

The Marathon Strain – Dutch Treat Haze

Even the most experienced cannabis connoisseur will find this indica-dominant hybrid to be a rather intense smoke because of its massive 19-27% THC content. With its potent spicy flavor and musky scent, this delightful combination of Dutch Treat and Secret Haze may remind you of Sour Diesel. The high will likely come thick and fast, leaving you feeling very floaty for hours. Dutch Treat Haze is an excellent choice for those with Anorexia since it will leave you feeling happy, relaxed, and not to mention hungry.

The Mellow Strain – Sweet and Sour Widow

THC levels are low (maximum of 8%), and CBD levels are high (full of 8%), making the extraordinarily calm and the medical effects extremely high. It is an excellent alternative for people with various illnesses, including Anorexia, since it works well as an appetite stimulant and helps with sleeplessness and discomfort. This plant’s mild sedative effects gradually permeate your body, leaving you in a happy, euphoric condition.

The Serious Strain, 4 Sister

Sister is a phenotype of the popular Chemdawg, and because of its strong and heady effects, it provides a feeling of euphoria and hyper-alert. It is not for the faint of heart. It is a fantastic mood enhancer and will assist you in getting things done. Sister has a flavor similar to lemon diesel and a pleasant, lemony aroma. It has a robust flavor and works wonders for boosting hunger.

The Moreish Strain of CBD Yummy

Possibly the least well-known strain on our list, CBD Yummy is a powerful therapeutic assistance with a delicious flavor because of its high CBD and low THC content. CBD Yummy is well known for tasting fantastic. It is a cooling smoke that will make you feel tired and relaxed. It has a sweet, earthy flavor along with a light mint flavor. This hybrid of White Dawg and Granddaddy Kush is reported to have sprung from North California. With its calming effects taking hold and the energy to do nothing but eat, this strain will do wonders for your stress levels despite having only a moderately low THC content (about 3%).

The Medical Strain’s Critical Cure

An indica-dominant variety is completely overtaking the medicinal marijuana industry. This strain is the best for treating Anorexia and various ailments since it has reasonably modest amounts of THC (up to about 11%) and CBD (7%). It is a bit enigmatic since it is a hybrid between Critical Kush and an unidentified strain, yet it is a well-liked alternative for anorexic patients across the US. You’ll feel completely mellowed out, physically at ease, and quite hungry after taking it.

If you would like to know more about all the popular strains and what they are used for, visit our post – Weed Strains

What’s the relationship between marijuana, Anorexia, and appetite?

Researchers have learned that cannabis can increase appetite through several studies. The human endocannabinoid system (ECS) helps the body continue to function normally. There are lots of cannabinoid receptors in the parts of the brain that regulate appetite and food intake. Recent clinical data show a strong correlation between endocannabinoid deficiency and anorexia nervosa. It should be no surprise that the ECS is crucial in managing OCD symptoms. Medical marijuana has considerably improved appetite, reduced anxiety, and provided quick, short-term relief from stress and sadness when used appropriately and without abuse. It is thought that following ingestion, cannabinoids collaborate with the hormone ghrelin, which is known to improve taste and smell and promote appetite. As a result, you have a stronger desire to snack and have more appetite than usual. It may be

crucial for those who have Anorexia. Around 15%–40% of people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) use cannabis to treat pain, boost appetite, and lessen the need for other drugs globally.

Best Cannabis Delivery Methods to treat Anorexia

Patients who use medical marijuana have a variety of delivery technique choices.

  • Smoking and Vaping: Both smoking cannabis flower and vaping cannabis oil provide virtually immediate relief and quickly make you hungry.
  • Edibles: Although they take up to 90 minutes to fully take effect, cannabis-infused edibles (gummies, candies, and baked goods) provide additional calories in addition to cannabinoids. Frequently, the effects linger for a long time.
  • Tinctures: Cannabis tinctures can be applied topically to provide relief reasonably quickly without the adverse side effects of smoking or vaping.

Scientific pieces of evidence

Different scientific pieces of evidence are mentioned in the literature to treat Anorexia

According to “Treatment studies with cannabinoids in anorexia nervosa,” cannabinoids help to gain weight, about 1 kg over four weeks over a placebo.

According to a previous study, smoking marijuana might result in a 40% increase in calorie intake. This study found that the main chemical component of marijuana, THC, boosted eating in social and private contexts by accelerating metabolism.

In 2013, a Danish study indicated that dronabinol, a synthetic version of cannabis, may aid anorexic patients in gaining weight. The report was published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders. According to reports, respondents who took 2.5 milligrams of dronabinol

twice a day compared to those who took a placebo indicated that the medication was well-tolerated and caused them to gain weight.

Anxiety is a common side effect of Anorexia, and it has been listed as one of the top five justifications for taking cannabis for medical purposes in North America. According to a 2018 Journal of Affective Disorders study, cannabis dramatically reduced short-term anxiety, stress, and depressive symptoms. However, caution should be needed in the long run, as this study also discovered that using cannabis for extended periods may make depression symptoms worse (but not anxiety symptoms).

How do cannabinoids and terpenes promote appetite and reduce anxiety?

Medical Cannabis For Anorexia Treatment includes – terpenes, fragrant solid oils, and cannabinoids that work together to provide marijuana with its physical effects. Numerous types of cannabis exist. Some strains have high levels of phytocannabinoids like CBD and CBG, while others are strong in THC, yet others provide a balance of cannabinoids.

Cannabinoids that increase appetite and lessen anxiety are:

  • CBD significantly reduces anxiety and depression linked to eating disorders By affecting the hormones that control mood and appetite. It is non-intoxicating.
  • Similar to THC, CBG is non-intoxicating and is thought to increase hunger.
  • THC increases hunger and elevates mood when consumed in low dosages.

Terpenes are a different group of active substances made in marijuana. Terpenes present in medicinal marijuana strains that could alleviate anorexia nervosa’s typical symptoms include:

  • Linalool, which has a subtle floral scent and is present in lavender, is well known for its ability to relieve pain and promote relaxation and restful sleep.
  • Citrus fruits typically contain limonene, which provides a lemony fragrance. Heartburn relief, mood enhancement, depression relief, and gastrointestinal discomfort are all established benefits.
  • Mango, lemongrass, thyme, and hops scents are frequently linked to myrcene. This earthy scent is thought to have a calming effect, relax tension in the muscles, and enhance THC’s overall results.

 Conclusion Of Cannabis For Anorexia Treatment

Cannabis can reduce anxiety, increase appetite, and improve mood, making it a possible adjunctive treatment for anorexia nervosa. Medical professionals think cannabis may help manage these persistent psychological issues. THC “may be a beneficial component in treating the psychiatric symptoms of AN (anorexia nervosa),” according to the authors of a 2017 study published in the Israeli Journal of Psychiatry Related Science. The article describes the connection between medical marijuana appetite and Anorexia. Anorexia can progress to a life-threatening condition and become crippling. Psychotherapy and other treatments are frequently combined to produce the best results. Treatment options include group sessions, one-on-one sessions, and combo sessions. Medical and nutritional requirements are given special consideration;  depression medication may be prescribed in conjunction with cognitive behavioral therapy.

Thank you for reading about Cannabis For Anorexia Treatment. We have many more articles that explain how cannabis can help with many illnesses written by medical doctors. Check those out in our blog section.

Our Top Rated Grinder

If you want to get the fullest health benefits of cannabis, you will need to buy it fresh and grind it freshly before use. We recently tested hundreds of grinders and found that the “Good Times Only” grinder is by far the most superior. You can buy it below.


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